"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From the King's Park, to the tallest building in Bangkok, to Temple Tours, to the MST Project...

Danielle, Karl and I spent most of the day together last Saturday at what is called the King's Park, or Garden... either one. The King is very loved by the Thai people and has a park - more like a city within Bangkok! - dedicated to him. It was beautiful, humungous, and just an awesome place to enjoy the afternoon with my lovely friends :) We snapped tons of pictures of our surroundings and of each other, talked about anything and everything, and mostly just laughed (you know us ;)). We eventually had to make our way back to the YWAM base so Karl and Danielle could make it to church that night. And I had some plans with my team for my outreach leader's birthday.

The team went out to dinner, but had no clue what to expect. We took a long ride into another part of the city as Sam explained what was to come. He informed us that we were eating at the top of the tallest building in Bangkok at a buffet. Let me just tell you... when we got up there (and the elevator's move FAST over here!), it honestly looked like something you'd see in the movies. It was most definitely a nice treat. The Lord SERIOUSLY blessed us. All in all it was just a nice excuse to get "dressed up" speaking in outreach terms, and enjoy each other's company.

I have to go.. but I'll add more later!

Friday, March 25, 2011

T H A I L A N D !

Ahhhhhh! I'm here!

I left Maui at 8am on Wednesday morning home time, and arrived in Thailand at about 4am Friday morning Thai time... I guess you could say. I saw Karl right before I went to sleep and negated all Asian culture with guy/girl interaction by jumping into his arms. I'm not sure he knew how to handle it, because he's been here for months... hahaha! THEN I saw Danielle, the love of my life (lol!), a couple hours later and I can't even begin to describe how awesome and crazy it was. To think that God has the 3 of us in Thailand together for a couple days boggles my brain. He's so cool :D I love you all and miss you guys like crazy! I'm enjoying my time away, but look forward to seeing everyone.

We're leaving in aboug 8 days for B@ng!@de$h (lol). It's going to be great!

P.s. - I apologize again that I haven't been diligent in updating you. It's going to be even harder overseas. I have SO much to tell you all!