"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time Seriously Flies!

Hey fam, friends, and church. Things here at the YWAM base in Maui are nuts! I'm not kidding when I say that my schedule starts the minute I wake up until the moment I lay my head down. The last three weeks in lecture I've learned about the intimacy of God, a Bible overview, and the Holy Spirit. Let's just say that Jesus has been blowing my mind! That being said, I have so much to update you all on and when I get a grip on my schedule, I will be sure to follow through with my commitment. Hope you all are doing well, and don't forget how much Jesus Christ does truly love you. We honestly can't really fathom it.


  1. Hey Slacker.... THATS IT? Less beach time more communication time... :) (just giving you a hard time) hope you are well.

    Jesus Loves you


  2. Shaubs! I love you too! Let's conference call Keefer on Skype sometime :D lol

    Wim - I think you can understand my busy life at the moment, but thanks for reassuring me that you're only teasing :) I'll be catching up with people soon. Hope you're doing well also, and Jesus loves you too.
